Chemigation Cost-Share Program Announced

Chemigation Cost-Share Program Announced

The district is looking for ways to incentivize producers who try fertilizer application using chemigation as a means of increasing adoption of this practice. Chemigation is a useful way to apply chemicals and fertilizer onto fields using a center pivot to control application uniformity. All that is necessary to chemigate is an applicators license, the appropriate safety equipment, and a permit from the NRD. The goal of this incentive program is to increase the number of producers using this fertilizer application method by giving cost-share to producers to help offset the startup cost.

Starting in January 2023, the NRD will offer an incentive program to help producers get started with chemigation. For approved Chemigation Equipment Cost-Share Incentive Program applications, the maximum cost-share rate is 50% of the actual cost, up to $1,000 per site, for the purchase of new chemigation equipment and chemigation permit. 

This program is intended for new chemigation sites and those that have not had an active chemigation permit in the last ten (10) years. The minimum cost-share payment is $100. NRCS, NSWCP, and NRD funds will not be combined for any practice. Eligible applicants will need to keep their permit active for 3 years. Any equipment purchased prior to application authorization is ineligible for cost-share. Application approval will be based on fund availability. Following approval, producers must provide a receipt for equipment purchased, a copy of their chemigation permit, and any other forms deemed necessary by the district in order to receive cost-share funds. 

See full program details and eligibility guidelines