This page is updated occasionally with new research as well as historical documentation for issues related to water quality and quantity in our district and the state. Feedback or additional resource suggestions may be directed to You can also use the Resource Browser at the top of the page to see all related resources on our website pertaining to a specific topic.
Water Quality and Human Health Impacts
- Geospatial Distribution of Age-Adjusted Incidence of the Three Major Types of Pediatric Cancers and Waterborne Agrichemicals in Nebraska
- Using Watershed Boundaries to Map Adverse Health Outcomes: Examples From Nebraska, USA
- Investigation of a Possible Relationship between Anthropogenic and Geogenic Water Contaminants and Birth Defects Occurrence in Rural Nebraska
- Exposure-based assessment and economic valuation of adverse birth outcomes and cancer risk due to nitrate in United States drinking water
Vadose Zone
Maps and Graphs
- Groundwater Management Areas Nitrate Results
- Median Nitrate-Nitrogen Values for Groundwater Quality Management Zones
- Nebraska Groundwater Irrigated Acres (2020 Summary Report)
- Domestic Nitrate Results in Percentage Over Safe Drinking Water Standard
- Domestic Nitrate Results
- Phase II and III Groundwater Quality Management Areas (Maps)
- Water Quality Rules in Adjacent NRDs
- Historic Nitrate Concentrations, 20-year Median (2018) (2019)
Production Agriculture
- Soil Management to Optimize Crop Production in Nebraska (UNL)
- Benchmarking impact of nitrogen inputs on grain yield and environmental performance of producer fields in the western US Corn Belt
- Nutrient Management Suggestions for Corn
- Irrigation and Nitrogen Management (User Education/Certification Program)
- In-Season Nitrogen Management for Irrigated Corn
Water Quantity & Quality Studies and Reports
- Natural Uranium Contamination in Major U.S. Aquifers Linked to Nitrate
- Nebraska’s Groundwater Irrigated Acres – 2020
- Artificial Recharge of Aquifers In Nebraska 1980
- Water Quality Management Plan
- Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report
- Nebraska Groundwater Quality Monitoring Report
- Mid-Nebraska Water Quality Demonstration Project Annual Reports
- Study of the Nonpoint Ground Water Contamination in the Western Portion of the Big Blue Natural Resources District
- Hydrogeology and Subsurface Nitrate in the UBBNRD (US Geological Survey)
- Impact of Artificial Groundwater Recharge at Two Nebraska Sites
- Nitrate-Stimulated Release of Naturally Occurring Sedimentary Uranium (2023)