

Below are forms and applications that you can easily fill out and submit online or in person. Please call if you have any questions about how to complete these documents. Please do not submit electronically any forms containing sensitive information (such as your social security number), as we cannot guarantee security via email. You can mail forms with sensitive information to our office at 319 E 25th St, York, NE 68467, or drop off in person.

Water Management

Water Sampling

Irrigation Water Sample Submission Form

Operators within a zone that has been designated a Phase III Management Zone must have their irrigation water tested for nitrates at least once every three years. Zones 5, 6, and 11 are in Phase III management. 

Samples may be analyzed at any reputable laboratory at the operator’s discretion, with results being sent to the NRD by the operator.  The NRD also offers nitrate analysis free of charge.

Domestic Water Sample Submission

Although it is not required by federal or state laws, testing private domestic wells for water quality is a good practice. Nitrate and bacteria analysis are two initial tests that will indicate general water quality for a rural homeowner.

The NRD offers nitrate and bacteria analyses free of charge. Please visit the NRD office for a bacteria analysis bottle, they are sealed and sterile to ensure accurate results. Nitrate samples can be collected in an NRD bottle or a small, clean glass jar.

Phase II & III / Hastings Wellhead Protection Area

