​Notice of Public Hearing: Public Invited to Water Forum

​Notice of Public Hearing: Public Invited to Water Forum

The Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District will hold a public hearing and informational open house on Monday, August 19, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Holthus Convention Center (3130 Holen Avenue, York). Anyone with an interest in water usage and quality issues in the district area is encouraged to attend this event.
The purpose of the hearing is to receive comments on proposed changes to District Rule 5 – Ground Water Management Area Rules and Regulations. Some changes proposed will apply to the entire district, while others will apply to only areas with high ground water contamination levels. Members of the public will have the opportunity to learn more about these proposed changes and their effects, as well as address members of the board of the NRD about their concerns or support.
The proposed changes would stipulate that an approved nitrification inhibitor must be applied at the manufacturer’s recommended rate with pre-plant nitrogen fertilizer in the following situations: The application of anhydrous ammonia prior to March 1; The application of all nitrogen fertilizers other than anhydrous ammonia after February 29. In addition to these requirements, in Phase II and Phase III areas pre-plant application of nitrogen fertilizer shall not exceed 120 lbs. per acre. The remaining nitrogen fertilizer may be applied post plant.  Prior to applying nitrogen fertilizer, but no later than April 1 of each year, each operator in the management area will be required to report information regarding the use of best management practices.
A complete copy of Rule 5 and the proposed changes are available at the district office and online: www.upperbigblue.org/publichearing.
The informational session will begin at 7:00 p.m. Citizens wishing to testify concerning changes to District Rule 5 will be given an opportunity to so on location, either verbally or through written comment. These statements will become public record.

About the Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District 
The Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District (NRD) protects lives, property, and the future of this area through a wide-range of stewardship, management and education programs—from flood control to groundwater quality and quantity monitoring, from irrigation management to outdoor recreation and more. Activities and projects of the Upper Big Blue NRD are reviewed and approved by a locally elected board of directors. The Upper Big Blue NRD is one of 23 Natural Resource Districts across the state. For more information, visit http://www.upperbigblue.org or call (402)362-6601.